Quick! Duck!
The Internet of Things is turning out to be a fascinating
and useful thing, connecting our most used appliances and gadgets together to
improve our lives and keep us safe. Which is exactly why you need Edwin the
Duck; the world’s first smart rubber ducky.
Edwin might look like an ordinary rubber duck, but hold on there;
he’s actually packed full of very important technology that you definitely need
to own. For a start, Edwin is a bobbing wireless thermometer, so he’ll tell you
how hot the bath is before you dunk in junior, direct to your phone running the
Edwin app. But wait, there’s more. He also doubles as a floating, completely
waterproof Bluetooth speaker, so kids can bop away in the water to their
favourite tunes (just don’t let them grab your phone with soapy hands to change
the track!).
Edwin can be used out of the bath, too. He can be used to
bring a playful character on the app to life, as well as serving as a night-light
and also to sing lullabies. Yes, once the kids are clean from the bath and ready
for bed, he’ll keep working to keep them happy.
It’s a bold statement, but Edwin the Duck is surely the very
pinnacle of human technological endeavour. Check him out here.