15 June 2022

Top 10 Lottery Number Generators to Pick the Winning Numbers

If you like playing the lottery and hope for one to acheive financial freedom, there’s a decent chance you have a few “lucky numbers.” Usually, these are important dates in your life, like the birthdays of family members, or single numbers that mean something special to you. Some people even pick numbers based on their horoscopes!

To find the winning lotto numbers for the lottery of your choosing, you need to get a good random number generator. We’ve narrowed things down to ten favorites, ranging from standard RNGs to officially approved generators.

We have three criteria when rating these generators:

·         Randomness. Yes, this is an actual criterion. According to this article from Computing and Software for Big Science, many different algorithms can be used for random number generators. Other random number generators are physical, like the Powerball machine itself. However, all of the RNGs we are listing use algorithms rather than physical devices.

·         Specificity, or “how well does this generator fit the lottery?”

·         Fun! We realize that there are reasons for your lucky numbers. If you want, say, 7 in your lotto ticket, there’s nothing wrong with that.

10. UltimateSolver.com

This is simple: press a button and get six numbers. If your lotto of choice doesn’t have gimmicks, these six numbers will serve you well.

9. Random.org

Random.org also has a page dedicated to lotteries. You can pick your favorite lottery from a drop-down list and generate numbers for it. The only reason this generator is low on the list is that it’s basic. 

8. CalculatorSoup

CalculatorSoup.com takes what Random.org started and pushes things a tiny bit further for lottery players. It has limited lottery options, but also more customization features. If you have lucky numbers, this is a great place to try them out! However, it’s both minimalist and limited in lotto variety, so we can’t place it any higher than this.

7. FunGenerators.com

This site is purely for fun. We tested the Powerball function to make sure none of the numbers went over their limits, especially for the Powerball itself! This is good if the lotto you want doesn’t have an official generator. It’s also fun to see exactly how many lotteries are out there!

6. The Random Number Generator

This app does all things random numbers. It requires a little bit of programming, but you can tailor it to any lotto you like! You can also use full-screen mode to show random numbers if you want to make smaller lotteries of your own. The main drawback is that it doesn’t save any of those numbers.

5. True Random Generator.

Another versatile app for iOS. This one, too, has customizable lottery options. You can also literally shake things up; the numbers reset by shaking your phone! It also does passwords, dice rolls, and, impressively, QR/barcodes for given pieces of text. Great if you want to share your business fast!

4.  Lottery Generator and Statistics

Giving iOS a break, Lottery Generator and Statistics is an app for hardcore lottery fans on Android. The app contains 250 different lotteries. If just generating random numbers wasn’t enough for you, this app offers news, history, and statistics of various lotteries as well!

3. LotteryNumberGenerator.net

This is a fun one. As usual, you can pick your numbers and get a selection tailored to your lottery, but that’s not the best part. By clicking a drop-down menu, you can also select your zodiac sign, lucky color, and numbers that you do or don’t want to appear. It has a great variety of lotteries, but we wish it had more! (This one also has an app version.)

2. The Irish Lottery Number Generator

We have to list the official generators highly for a few reasons. The biggest is “your safety.” Although every app and site we have listed has gone through some form of testing, the official sites won’t give you any bugs. They are also directly compared to a “true RNG” in the form of the actual

The official Irish Lottery Number Generator is not only accurate for the lottery, but has a bunch of other randomization options. We never thought you could make random number sets inspired by recurring dreams, but you can! The only drawback is that it doesn’t handle the Lotto Plus numbers. Had it covered that base better, it would easily be number one.

1. Megamillions Official Random Number Generator

The American Megamillions lottery has an official RNG. Similar to Powerball, this lottery has 5 regular balls (1-70) and one bonus ball with a smaller range (1-25). Powerball does not have an official RNG.

Megamillions.com would like to stress that “no system of choosing randomly generated picks is better than any other system.” However, when it comes to lotteries, you want to bear in mind any specific rules. That is why the Megamillions lottery generator is listed here: it factors in the rules for that particular lottery, and you really can’t get any better than official. The only thing it falls short on is customization.


Although random number generators are supposed to be created equal, that is not the case. Different RNGs are good for different purposes. If all of this has gotten you curious about math and programming, why not let this article featuring quotes from famous figures in STEM inspire you further? For now, good luck, have fun!

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