Building your wardrobe
A while back we had the pleasure of reviewing the famous monthly subscription box service Loot Crate. if we're being honest, the only thing we looked forward to when receiving a box was the guaranteed tee shirt, regardless of what logo, print, or TV show it referenced. At the time we wished each box was just a couple of tee shirts, so imagine our joy at discovering Monthly Tee Club: the subscription service that sends you a brand new tee each month, based on your interests.
So what is this? Well, unlike the aforementioned Loot Crate where you sign up and then get what you're given each month, whether you like it or not, Monthly Tee Club first wants to get to know you. When you initially subscribe the website asks for some personal details, getting you tick a few boxes concerning the sort of stuff you like: gaming, science, music, sci-fi & fantasy etc. Using that info, and important things like your preferred size and fit, you'll receive a new tee through the post each and every month you stay signed up.
On that note, this is actually pretty good value. The subscription choices start at £9.99 per month for one tee, £17.99 for two, and £29.99 for four. All designs, prints and colours are dofferent and will be in some way linked to the options you picked... which is just what we did.
Opting for the one tee package we clicked that we like sci-fi, movies & TV, science, and humour, and here is what arrived:
Whcih we actually think is pretty spot on for all those things. The tee itself is 100% cotton, feels soft to the touch (even on the print), and was the size and fit we requested. We love the appropriation of a well-know image, in silloette, with some added humour. It's a hit.
Take a peek around the website and you'll see other examples of the kind of shirts to expect, from direct logo and branding rip-offs (tastefully done, mind), to other, more slogan-based designs. We honestly couldn't imagine not liking something Monthly Tee Club would send, and as we all burn through tees pretty quick, knowing that you're getting one or a few each month is quite comforting.
And, if you really do hate the design you get sent, you can send it back and not be charged for it. That's a nice safety net to have, because although you might totally love all things sci-fi/comedy, but can't stand Red Dwarf, and they go and sent you a Smeg Head tee, you can lob it back to them and hope you get something with the words Get Schwifty on it. Or whatever.
Oh, and for every tee shirt they ship to a subscriber, the company donates an item of clothing to someone who needs it. Y'know, like in a charitable way. Basically, if you don't sign up RIGHT NOW, you're depraving someone of clothing. You heartless bastard.
So, based on what we've seen so far, we heartily recommend Monthly Tee Club. It's a blind subscription service like all the rest, but unlike some of the others you know you won't be getting a box of random crap to stick on a shelf. We all need tee shirts, after all. What monster doesn't?