'Judge' them for yourself.
Good old Nerf; always bringing out some new ways for us to shoot each other in the crotch. That is what friendship is all about, and it's refreshing to see that Test Pit relationships will no doubt be enhanced by the addition of these three new blasters, recently revealed at the New York Toy Fair.
The big bastard above is called simply 'The Judge', and seems to fire rounds of three darts from a huge rotating drum of ten parts. It looks like a battery-powered blaster, and there is also some weird transparent bit on top.
Also catching our eyes was the Zombie Strike Dreadbolt Crossbow, which instead of shooting darts like this Nerf bow, actually shoots rubber-tipped arrows. Not sure if the string actually propels the arrow, though, or if there is some kind of air-pump system going on inside.
But we were also excited to see the above: the Alien Menace Voidcaster, which has more of a Halo-like look. What is intriguing about this single grip pistol is how it shoots. The size of the trigger suggests that there is no pull-back draw to prime the blaster, and instead, as you squeeze the trigger you arm the system. This should mean it is semi-auto, which is quite interesting considering it is a pistol.
We'll hopefully review these blasters as they make it over to the UK, so keep 'em peeled for forthcoming reviews.