Shower heads; have you ever really taken the time to
consider yours? If, like us, your thoughts about them have gotten no further
than 'where wet come out', that might be about to change. No matter how fancy,
modern, traditional or retro your shower is, if the head isn't up to scratch
you won't be getting as good a shower as you probably could. To prove that not
all shower heads are created equal, we took to the wet room to test the MethvenAurajet Shower Head.
We mean, Christ... just look at this thing. Never before has anything to do with fittings and fixtures made us gawp in the same way we do at gadgets and technology. LOOK AT IT! Like a halo of glimmering chrome, the Methven Aurajet is quite unlike anything we've seen before, and at first glimpse we wondered how the Hell it would even function as a shower head.
It seems that Methven have ploughed a lot of research and development into making the Aurajet, not only to create such a striking bit of kit (which will screw directly onto most existing shower arrangements with at least 1.0 bar pressure - although it is also available with fittings for extra), but also to ensure the user's showering experience is drastically improved.
Essentially that halo ring at the head of Aurajet splits the flowing water in separate streams, which then bounce off of internal plates which have been specially angled. This means that what initially comes out as a 'solid' halo of water, soon breaks and scatters into a wide field. Instead of the traditional constant flow of mono-directional water that comes from a traditional shower head, the Aurajet seems to make it rain - heavily.
There is no 'stream' of water here, rather a torrential downpour of large individual droplets. The sensation is pretty invigorating, but also quite perplexing, as during showers we would all find ourselves (individually, you understand) peering back up at the Aurajet and wondering how a ring-shaped object can create rain.
Fitting the Aurajet is simply a case of unscrewing your old
shower head and replacing it with this (far superior) one, so absolutely anyone
can try this out. Once fitted, the Methven Aurajet makes showering actually fun
- the first time ever we've said that about showering alone. Wahey.