27 October 2014

REVIEW: Leef Supra 3.0 Flash Drive


Our computers are certainly getting smaller these days, with most people now only owning a laptop. Although great for our laps (they're as warming as a purring cat) laptops tend to get moved about a lot, whether you're squirming to get comfortable on the sofa while on Facebook, or hot-desking around the office. That can spell disaster for a USB flash drive that you have poking out the side - one knock on that and the whole thing could sheer off, ruining your precious digital data. What you need is a tiny, hard-as-nails flash drive that you can plug in and forget about. You need the new Leef Supra 3.0.

This teeny-tiny USB 3.0 flash drive is one of the smallest of its kind that you can currently buy, measuring at just two centimetres in length (and most of that is the USB plugy-inny bit and transparent clip part). There are no caps, no sliding mechanisms to withdraw the metal USB plug - just a very solid, very sturdy drive that amazingly packs in up to 64GB of storage.

We've enthused about a few Leef products in the past months, but the Supra 3.0 really sums up what the company are seemingly all about; useful, everyday tech in a well thought out and stylish package. You can clip this onto your keychain and forget about it; confident that it will be there when you need it. Also, once plugged into your laptop, you'll never have to worry about damaging your flash drive again - the profile is so low and the build quality so high, there no way you're going to accidentally knock it out.

This is the perfect drive for other applications too. Car stereos with USB ports can look ungainly with a massive flash drive poking out of them, getting in the way of vital buttons and even the gear stick. With the Leef Supra 3.0 you'll hardy notice it is there (except for the blinking white LED within the clear clip loop) and with a capacity of up 64GB your entire music collection can be waiting at your fingertips.

As you'd expect from USB 3.0 this drive is pretty quick, especially when paired with a USB 3.0 port. It is thankfully backwards compatible with USB 2.0 so you'll have access to files on older machines. Furthermore, this little blighter is waterproof, shock proof and dust proof - just don't test that with the only copy of your dissertation on it.

16GB (£16.99), 32GB (£29.99) and 64GB (£59.99)

Visit www.leefco.com or buy it from Amazon here.

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