25 February 2014

NEWS: Final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars to air on Netflix


As you might know we're big fans of the tragically cut-short animated series The Clone Wars. For the past few months we've been waiting with baited breath to hear whether or not the final few episodes, those already made prior to the takeover by Disney (who then immediately cancelled of the show), would air.

But now we have the good news that the episodes will indeed be released - along with all the other seasons - on Netflix. The release date has been fixed for March 7th, and we hope that date relates to the international release, and not just for the US.

In the meantime, please enjoy the Season 6 trailer which, from what we can tell, ties up a lot of loose ends from the prequel movies.


Need to catch up?
Buy The Clone Wars Season 5 on DVD from Play.com
Click the image above to get yours.

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