8 October 2018

REVIEW: Coffee Gator Cafetiere & Digital Scales

Weighing in

Consider this review something of a follow-up to one we did this time last year, checking out other products from beverage lords Coffee Gator. Whereas last time we looked at their pour-over coffee maker and stove-top kettle, this time our attention is turned to far more robust and technological efforts. We review the Coffee Gator Cafetiere & Digital Scales.

As we discovered last year, Coffee Gator make damn fine coffee making products. Not only do they look great, but - as we happily found out - they also produce some awesome drinks... without melting your bank account. Recently we were sent the large stainless steel Cafetiere (or French Press if you're so inclined) and the Digital Timing Scales. Yay.

Right, first up was the appliance we were most looking forward to testing: the cafetiere. Everyone likes their coffee in a different way, but the good old 'plunger-down' technique is the easiest and probably the most popular way of brewing 'proper coffee'. Coffee Gator's attempt is a tough, weighty and clever version of the traditional glass cafetiere you might have in your kitchen cupboard right now.

This thing has heft, being made entirely from stainless steel and boasting a dual wall, vacuum-insulated body. The handle and plunger top are also metal, and the total capacity is one whole litre. That's a lot of coffee. We received it in a subtle grey, but vibrant orange, green, pink, and silver versions are also available.

We found that the vacuum-sealed body meant that your brew stayed warmer for longer, both while you're waiting for it to percolate, and after the plunger falls. Even the lid seems like it is heavily insulated, so making a couple of cups worth inside is possible, to be consumed by just one person, with a break in-between. You don't get that with a standard glass cafetiere.

Included along with the Coffee Gator Cafetiere is a small metal and glass jar, perfect for storing a brew or two worth of beans or grounds. This is a handy little thing to get included, as it means you can prep your coffee at home, pop the grounds inside, then safely carry them to the office for your lunchtime cup of Joe. Nice.

Next up is a new one on us; digital coffee scales. Although we consider ourselves coffee snobs, we've never actually bothered to accurately measure out the likes of the beans and water, and then carefully time the process. We've always just winged it, as we're sure most people do. Well you shouldn't, you morons!

Actually, you can if you want, but as we learnt when playing around with the Coffee Gator Digital Scales, it is possible to improve the flavour of your beverage by sticking closely to a regular recipe. The scales help you to do this no end, allowing you to both carefully weigh out your components, while also timing what you're doing. Handy stuff. If you give a shit, that is.

The scales are accurate from 0.1g up to 3kg, and they can be used for more than just coffee. With a sensitivity like that you could use the unit for other kitchen jobs like baking and weighing spices, or even for electrical and mechanical jobs, too.

The scales have a large, flat weighing bed which very handily employs a textured rubber mat to help cups and jugs grip to it, while also being wide enough to accommodate the likes of the Coffee Gator Pour-over Coffee Maker. Whatever you're using to make your drink, you should be able to fit it on here and get very accurate measurements.

So, check out our previous Coffee Gator review, and keep this kit in mind if you're wanting to up your morning routine.

Cafetiere, £39.99 from www.amazon.co.uk

Digital Scales, £40 from www.amazon.co.uk

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