Drive this way
It's only been a week since we reviewed a hand-held version of SEGA's classic Master System, and now SEGA themselves have announced a return of the MegaDrive (AKA The SEGA Genesis in the US). Just like how Nintendo released smaller versions of their most famous consoles last year, SEGA have shrunk the MegaDrive and will sell it pre-loaded with a number of games.
Recently announced in Japan, the MegaDrive Mini as it (possibly) will be called, will see release by the end of the year in Asia. Right now there are no solid plans to bring it to Europe or North America, but we're guessing it might be sometime in 2019.
One thing to note is that no games have yet been confirmed, and it seems that SEGA would like gaming fans to tell them what to pre-load onto the device. Obviously dear old Sonic will find his way onto there, but this is a chance to let SEGA know about your early '90s gaming obsession. If they'll listen.