Biggest cause of family fall-outs at Christmas? No, not the overdone turkey, or the inappropraite present from Anne Summers, opened in front of the kids, or having to tolerate racist Uncle John on Boxing Day (he's had a fieldtrip since Brexit). No, the biggest cause of arguments has to be over Monopoly. Fortunately the maker of the game, Hasbro, are here to help.
From 24th until the 26th December, Hasbro will be operating a Monopoly Mediation Hotline, where people can call up to settle arguments caused by the capitalistic game. As the rules to Monopoly can be somewhat vague, and certain actions in it are a little unfair, the hotline will offer help and advice (and settle arguments) relating to the game. Thanks hasbro!
If you have a game-based fall-out this Chrimbo, call the line on 0800 689 4903. Phew...