18 September 2016

NEWS: "Radical" Russian robot arrested at rally

Ah, Russia...

You might remember, from a few months back, the story of Promobot, the Russian robot that escaped from his lab for a wander around the city streets of Perm. Well now it seems that his rebellious days are far from over as he was recently arrested at a political rally in Moscow. You honestly can't make this shit up.

Whilst moving through the crowds at a rally in favour of Parliamentary candidate Valery Kalachev, Promobot was allegedly heard asking people questions about how they will vote, apparently for "further processing". Someone in the crowd reported the robot's behaviour as suspicious and police arrived on the scene. Then it gets really good.

According to a spokesperson for Promobot (he even has his own PR team!) the police asked them to remove the robot, but then attempted to handcuff it! Speaking to website Inverse, the spokesperson stressed that Promobot did not try to put up any kind of resistance. Brilliant.

So there you go; in case you had any doubts about Russia's claim of being the craziest place on earth... they just tried to arrest a robot.

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