Samsung's latest flagship phone, the S7, was announced recently at MWC 2016 along with the S7 Edge. Although both phones displayed impressive features and capabilities, many people were a little unimpressed with the looks. The S7 and S7 Edge basically use the exact same body shape as their predecessor, the S6. If this leaves you a little underwhelmed, fret not... we know of someone who can bling up your new phone.
For a mere £1800, London-based company Truly Exquisite will sell you a gold-plated Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge. Or, if that just ain't fly enough, a platinum plated model instead. Pre-orders are available right now for when the phones become available after 11th March, so tell one of your hoes to order one today. A gold-plated phone will look great next to your gold-plated Uzi and your gold-plated teeth. "Dem bitches" be crazy for gold, yo.
Jokes about how much of a pimp you will look with one of these aside, Truly Exquisite (which will be the name of your top-performing prostitute) are also chucking in a Gear VR headset and a wireless charging plate to sweeten the deal.
But seriously, come on.
Find out more at bitches.