6 March 2016
NEWS: Drone racing Grand Prix being held in Dubai
Droning on...
If you thought flying RC helicopters around was something that only kids did... well, you're right, kids do do that (and so do we)... but those kids are about to become very rich indeed. Although drone racing has been slow to catch on, the world's first organised grand prix of the sport is set to kick off next week in Dubai.
The World Drone Prix, in which more than 100 drone racing teams from across the globe, will start on 11th March in the UAE. If the racers needed any more encouragement to set their choppers aloft (tee hee), the organisers are offering around $1 million in prize money, with $250,000 up for grabs for the team that comes in the overall top spot. Hopefully, with so much cash on offer, and a backdrop as stunning and alluring as Dubai (is it just us, or is Dubai really trying to sell itself as the place where all the exciting stuff happens?) drone racing will take yet another step toward the mainstream.
And with scenes as exciting as the below, can you really bemoan all the fuss?
Find out more at http://www.worlddroneprix.com/
The Test Pit
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