No longer will we in dear old Blighty be able to sit back
and gawp in amazement at our colonial cousins as they fumble around with
computers hanging from their noses. That is because Google is extending the
coverage of their (seemingly unending) public beta test of Glass to Britain.
Yes, that is right, now anyone in Britain can get a Google Glass and try it
out, with their comments and suggestions being welcomed back at Google HQ.
Although Britain has the reputation of being one of the most
surveilled countries in the world, with more
CCTV cameras per person than there
are sheep, how will we react to bumping into someone with a camera on their
face; a camera that may or may not be recording our interaction?
Excuse me if this is prejudice, but I've always held the
opinion that the average American is more enthusiastic when it comes to encountering
new technology; that the device itself, regardless of what it is, would generate
a certain fascination. In my mind's eye I see Phil Dunphy, the dad from Modern
Family, high-fiving a guy on the bus because he's wearing Glass. In Britain
however, and again forgive if I seem to be a self-hating Briton, I see that
same bus journey being crowded by calls of "Take it off!" and
"You bloody idiot!" It would make Phil sad.
That isn't to say that we adopt new technology with any less
vehemence; smartphone ownership in the UK is, for example, higher than that in
the US. It's just that when issuse of privacy are raised I can imagine us on this
side of the Atlantic getting more militant. After all, local authorities can
justify the installation of yet another CCTV camera on the grounds that it
keeps us safe and crime levels low - the same cannot be said about the man wearing
Google Glass sitting opposite you on the train. Sure, the chap's intentions may
be innocent as he flicks his head while reading text messages and emails on a
screen you can't see. But that empty dark spot by his eye, the non-blinking,
the non-shutter clicking lens of the camera... well, what is that recording?
Suddenly you're on Big Brother. Everything you do is being
captured, kept, and saved for future and un-asked for use. Will the guy reach
his destination, get off the train, go home and download the video he secretly filmed
of you to save in a folder called 'Future murder victims'? Did he see the
passcode you entered into your (good old fashioned, reliable, honest) phone?
Did he use WiFi to see your dreams, steal your thoughts? That idea you've had
for a novel about talking crabs - he pinched that as well and is going to make a
mint from it. Damn him, the sneaky, thieving cyborg!
Whether we like it or not, the appearance of "Glassholes"
(or rather the British version: 'Glarseholes') will be increasing as the beta
test continues. What will be the new Glass controversies to hit the headlines
in the coming months, and how will they be uniquely flavoured by the UK users?
As long as a developer comes along with a garden shed app, we
should all be kept happy.
Howard Mosley-Chalk is Editor of The Test Pit, a freelance writer and a journalist. Follow him on Twitter and find out more about him here:
Howard Mosley-Chalk is Editor of The Test Pit, a freelance writer and a journalist. Follow him on Twitter and find out more about him here: