28 November 2016

NEWS: HandEnergy - charge your gadgets with a flick of the wrist

Shakey wakey!

Running out of power on your phone, tablet, or camera sucks balls - so get a ball to charge it up. The HandEnergy, currently seeking backing on Kickstarter, is a USB charging gadget that can provide juice by being gently rolled around in your hand.

Essentially, this means that you don't have to pre-charge your charger, meaning you'll always have a source of energy in your bag or pocket whenever you need it. This sounds great for everyday use, for when you run out of power on the train or on your commute, but also for extreme situations and hiking. Having the HandEnergy in your pack means you'll always be able to charge up gadgets in an emergency.

To back the project and find out more, visit www.kickstarter.com

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